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Real-time Interactive Installation and Live Performance


“Beyond My Skin” is a real-time interactive application and hybrid media art installation dealing with body, identity, and digital inclusion. The project creates a physical-digital space where visitors can experience a new way of self-perception and representation away from habitual binary and social representations.


Translated movements of visitors create hybrid digital bodies through interactions and a new collective awareness of where our bodies begin and end. In the interactive installation, visitors do not physically meet but interact in their abstract forms generated in real time. Touching and overlapping let them connect into a new shared hybrid body. Here they can move together with other abstracted bodies and experience a new kind of interaction. In this way, interaction goes beyond the skin, beyond physical and social constructs, and enables a hybrid space where inclusion and exchange are central. Physically close to each other, but on a different hybrid level, visitors see and interact with each other.“Beyond My Skin” aims to raise awareness about issues such as social and digital inclusion and to question binary representations in virtual space.



Project realized with the support of: the City of Vienna and the Startstipendium for Media Art from the Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria (BMKÖS).

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